
Meals per year


Drinks per year


Groceries per year in food parcels

About Us

Giving Back Crawley (registered charity number 1178136) is a local, volunteer-run charity serving the homeless community of Crawley, West Sussex.
We provide our guests with a hot meal and cold snacks everyday, as well as any essential items and toiletries they need to get by. We also signpost to other organisations that can help with specific challenges.
We ensure all guests are given the respect and compassion they deserve, no matter their circumstances.
Our official charitable objectives are: For the public benefit, to relieve the effects of poverty in the Crawley area, in particular, but not exclusively amongst those who are homeless by supplying them with food, goods and services.

What We Do

Food & Drink

We serve all of our guests a free meal and drinks. For those that are sleeping rough, we give them another meal to take away. We also have a free shop with various grocery items for any of our guests to take.


We take donated clothing and distribute to our guests. Most don’t have the luxury of wardrobes or washing machines, so we enable them to get a fresh set of clothing.


We provide sleeping bags and camping mats to our rough sleepers. Sleeping rough is already pretty horrible but without any bedding it’s unbearable.


We give our guests wellbeing items including baby wipes, deodorant, hand sanitiser, lip balm, mouthwash (alcohol-free), plasters, sanitary products, tissues and toilet roll. We also have paramedics attending regularly for health checks.


We can’t provide all of the specialist support that our guests need. We discuss their challenges with them, suggest organisations that can help and encourage them to engage with them.


Above all, we care. We take the time to talk to our guests, help where we can and do everything possible to bring a little joy to everyone who visits us.

Want to get involved?

The Team

Joe Dines
Joe Dines • Trustee • Chair

Joe is a mother of 4 who has lived in Crawley for 24 years. She has been involved in various aspects of voluntary work during this time including youth work and lone parent support. She has been a part of GBC for 3 years and is dedicated to making a difference for the people they support.

“Being a part of GBC is an absolute honour. The charity strives to support homeless members of our community who are vulnerable and in need. Every member of the GBC team gives not only their time but their love and compassion to the charity and its guests. Together we are an eclectic, joyful and often chaotic family and they have taught me so much about life and the sort of person that I want to be.”

Natalie Mackay • Trustee • Secretary

Natalie is a mother of 2 boys. She was born in Canterbury Kent and currently lives in Copthorne and has done so for 20 years.  She has been volunteering for GBC for well over a year and will continue to do so to provide support and care to those that need and rely on GBC.

“Being part of GBC is an honour. The rewards are just phenomenal, it’s not just about feeding our guests and giving them drinks, toiletries and clothing but also taking time to talk to them, smile and support them as best we can, understanding their often very different situations and simply listening to them open up without judgement. Being homeless is just a tiny part of the problems we see and even a smile and a chat can mean the world to them.  Covid19 hugely changed how we operate but we’re smashing it! I love my GBC family.”

Donald Mackay • Trustee • Treasurer

Donald Mackay is originally from the West Coast of Scotland and has lived in Crawley for more than 15 years.  He has been a part of GBC since 2019 and is dedicated to making a difference to the lives of it’s guests.

“Being a part of GBC has given me a different perspective on life and being able to provide for those in need gives me immense satisfaction.  I enjoy the interaction with our guests and even if all I can offer is a cup of coffee the way they like it I’m pleased. As part of the leadership team I am extremely proud of our volunteers and their dedication.”

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2018/19 Full Year Income

  • Money £27,585
  • Gift Aid £2,066
  • Goods Sold £50
  • Equipment £1,328
  • Services £284
  • Catering £7,903
  • Bedding £589
  • Volunteer Time £51,480

2018/19 Full Year Expenditure

  • Support Costs £505
  • Memberships £87
  • Bank Charges £20
  • Equipment £1,389
  • Computer Software £151
  • Building £1,700
  • Catering £8,107
  • Bedding £559
  • Volunteer Time £51,480


Total Income (Cash & Goods)


Total Expenditure (Cash & Goods)


Total Balance (Cash & Goods)

Our financial year runs from 1st May to 30th April each year.
Income and expenditure figures include both money and goods values.
All figures are rounded to the nearest pound.
Bedding = Sleeping bags & camping mats etc.
Catering = Food, drink, plates, plastic cutlery, take away boxes, cups etc.
Support Costs = Insurance & DBS Checks.
Memberships = Homeless Link.
Building = Hire of buildings.

We also receive regular donations of short-dated food produce, clothing, toiletries and various other items. It is not possible to reliably value these items so they are not included in the above figures.

Financial Facts:
100% of donations will go on charitable activities.
We do not spend any money on fundraising.
We do not spend any money on advertising.
None of our trustees or volunteers is paid in any way.
None of our trustees or volunteers can claim any expenses.
We do not receive any government funding.
Volunteer clothing is paid for by the volunteers.
Volunteer drinks do not come from donations.

We are fanatical about financial transparency so please don’t hesitate to ask if there is anything you would like to know.

Find Us

GBC is not currently providing a street service.

We hope to be back on the street soon, please look out for updates.

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